
Hiring Library

Do you post some of your jobs over and over? Are you frequently hiring for the same position? Are you looking to make your workflow more efficient?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you will want to read on. The hiring library is a valuable resource for storing job ads and letters. Click each tab to learn how you can make use of this helpful, time-saving resource.

Here’s how you can manage your jobs in the hiring library to save time.

  1. Hover over the Account Settings gear, and then click on Hiring Library.
  2. Verify Jobs from the left column is selected.
  3. Select from the View drop-down the person’s job library you want to view.
  4. Use any of the Actions located to the far right of the name of the job, to manage your jobs.
    1. Edit – a job by modifying the text, as needed.
    2. Copy – an existing job, modify the text as needed, and save it.
    3. Delete – a job that is no longer needed. This action deletes it permanently.
  5. Click on the Name of the job you want to preview.

Hiring Library
Check out where your saved jobs and letters are stored, and see how they can help you be more efficient.