
Monster Cloud Getting Started Guide

Ready to redefine the way you find and manage talent? Just choose a database and search. We recommend starting with your company’s private resume database first. Then, search the “Monster” database to find candidates who have posted their resumes with us.

Job Title

The title tells the search engine what type of resume you are searching for. Like every part of Cloud Search, the system understands concepts and the meaning behind words. As a general rule, make the Job Title broader and use Skills/Keywords to narrow the focus and results.

If title is not in the type ahead, the search engine will use keywords to find an exact match.

  • Remember, some job seekers may only enter their basic contact information on your career site, and others may have submitted their full resume. Don’t be too restrictive in your requirements to ensure you don’t eliminate strong candidates with missing information.

Years of Experience

Years of Experience doesn’t exclude candidates, unless you select “Required.” It simply factors the years of experience you are searching for into the ranking of the candidates.

If level or salary is a concern, this is an excellent field to utilize.


Location is a free form field which allows flexibility when entering locations along with a radius.
The location field accepts Statewide, City and State, Zip Codes, Area Codes, and some abbreviations (Bay Area and County).

Skills/Keyword Searching

The Skills/Keywords field will help you hone in on the candidates with the skill set you’re searching for. Make sure to use terms that would be included in a candidate’s resume.

  • Remember that unlike keyword searching, Boolean Operators do not work on Cloud Search!

Resumes Updated

In the field Resumes Updated, the search engine will default to searching “All Resumes” but you can select a shorter amount of time. It’s a best practice to start with searching the entire resume database.

Advanced Search Options

Check out all of the Advanced Search Options. Try the Top Schools Feature – Type in “Top” in the School section to see what’s available. Use the type-ahead feature since it captures variations of school names.

  • If you are pulling information from your ATS or Monster created career site, you may be able to search by Requisition ID or Job ID number.

1. First pass – go broad and wide. Start with a generic title and just a few skills/keywords.

2. Look at your results. View the top skills to make sure it’s a relevant match and click on the candidate to view more details.

3. In the Candidate Detail tab, you’ll see an overview of Experience, Education and Skills. Expand Other Skills to identify additional skills that will help narrow your search.

4. Use the Advanced Search options to refine your results

5. Too many candidates? Too few? Consider making the title more or less specific, or eliminate it completely. Get more tips by clicking on the links at the top of your search results.

6. Save candidates in a folder by clicking on the Add to folder link in their profile. You can access your folders in the left panel.